Brevet Results

Ride Date Event Type Group Dist. Region Homolgation Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
2002-09-22 Fall Flatlander / Highlander ACPB 200 BC Randonneurs CC - Lower Mainland (011602) 200432 8:47 Single 31620
2002-05-04 Spring 300 ACPB Rocky Mountain 300 BC Randonneurs CC - Lower Mainland (011602) 68823 15:08 Single 54480
2002-04-20 Fleetwood 200 ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 BC Randonneurs CC - Lower Mainland (011602) 196565 9:28 Single 34080

Flèche Results

Individual Flèche and Trace Statistics to Date
Ride Date Team Name Distance Ridden Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
2002-05-18 Wheels of Justice 404 FIN v Single 999999993
* - Volunteering data is incomplete especially pre-2004.