
Member Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
Chase, Barry DNS Single 999999995
Person, Ed DNF Single 999999998


Due to the Start/Overnight/Finish controls alternative start locations may not be feasible.

Hotels near the start: Coast Tsawwassen Inn & Beach Grove Motel

Pre-ride Notes

Be safe out there, be self-sufficient and if you need supplies wear a mask and use hand sanitizer.

Nigel had less than favourable winds for much of the pre-ride in August, with morning outflows and afternoon inflow winds prevailing.

It is recommended to fill up in Popkum. Hope could be busy during the weekend.

There is a 24 hour 7-11 on the the route on 56th Avenue in Tsawwassen.

All the controls are info controls, don't forget your pen! If you are unable to find the correct answer, do not fill in the answer. Please take a photo, and fill in the time you are at the control, then speak to Nigel before scanning and sending your card, to discuss how to address the missing control answer.