
Member Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
Goodison, Bob 59:50 Single 215400
Mudrakoff, Jeff 68:18 Single 245880

Completely unsupported, but lots of services available. Prepare for weather, as there is likely to be some. The offficial route completely bypasses Williams Lake via Mountain House Rd. and West Coast Road (Paved, despite what RWGPS says). I have no objection if you wish to stay on the highway through Williams Lake. It would add about 10 km (5 km each way), but allow more services. Last time I rode this I overnighted in Kersley and Lac La Hache, but doing McLeese Lake both nights might be better- would be about 340-320-340.


I have added a +- 1 km section at about 310 km, so that we go past the Wildwood store (open from 7:30AM to 9:00 PM), as there is unlikely to be anything else open until Quesnel- about 410 km. There is no control in this extra bit, so if you don't need anything, you may just continue to Hwy 97 and turn right. Southbound, you may continue past the Westcoast road turnoff to the Wildwood store at 695 km if you wish to access the store.