Top 15 Results on the Route
Rider Ride Date Event Type Group Distance Time Bicycle Class
Kuchenmuller, Manfred 2015-06-24 2649: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 10:30 Single
Arscott, Deirdre 2015-06-24 2649: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 10:30 Single
LePage, Bob 2015-06-24 2649: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 10:30 Single
Malek, Alard 2015-06-24 2649: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 10:30 Single
Kuchenmuller, Manfred 2014-04-14 2484: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 11:00 Single
Malek, Alard 2014-04-14 2484: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 11:00 Single
Malek, Alard 2013-10-03 2222: 3 Hump Camel BCP 202 11:05 Single
Kuchenmuller, Manfred 2013-10-03 2222: 3 Hump Camel BCP 202 11:05 Single
Neifer, Roy 2014-10-31 2497: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 11:08 Single
Kuchenmuller, Manfred 2014-06-15 2482: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 12:05 Single
Koen, Bob 2014-06-15 2482: 3 Hump Camel BCP 201 12:05 Single

Events to use this Route
Name Date Ride Type URL
2649: 3 Hump Camel 2015-06-24 BCP (Bob LePage + 3 more)
2497: 3 Hump Camel 2014-10-31 BCP (Roy Neifer)
2482: 3 Hump Camel 2014-06-15 BCP (Bob Koen + 1 more)
2484: 3 Hump Camel 2014-04-14 BCP (Manfred Kuchenmuller + 1 more)
2222: 3 Hump Camel 2013-10-03 BCP (Manfred Kuchenmuller + 1 more)