
Member Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
Buckoll, Erin 25:08 Single 90480
Chase, Barry 25:44 Single 92640
Goodison, Bob 16:50 Single 60600
Hagen, Mike 15:56 Single 57360

The route was originally intended to start in Salmon Arm, but I moved the start to Sorrento due to parking concerns. Scenic route, not ridiculously hilly, designed to allow  as much access to services as possible. Lots of highway, but broken up by quiet sections of rural roads. One section on Highway 97A at 99 km along Mara Lake has NO shoulder on a busy, winding highway for 1 km. Be extra careful, and wear bright clothing. Consider turning on flashing tail light for this bit, even in daylight!. As usual, there are sinkholes in the shoulder of 97A between Enderby and McLeery Rd..


Note that RWGPS is incorrect- the only gravel is a .5 km section on Kingfisher Rd. at Mabel Lake. Cambie-Solsqua Rd. IS paved.