
Member Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
Hagen, Mike 64:15 VP Single 231300
King, Dave 64:30 VP Single 232200

June 15 update

Mike and Dave prerode the route. Very familiar route down south of Bellingham for many BC riders. Then skirting east 'burbs of Seattle. Roads got much busier as we neared Seattle central. State routes fairly steady traffic flow, with much more during rush hour times. Could rename the ride the hornets nest 1000, because it was definitely more activity the closer we got to the hive of Seattle. Not that the hive occupants were necessarily aggressive, but it felt like we had somewhat poked the nest the closer we got to Seattle. Lots of cars and trucks and just general heavier volume on all roads.

We had moderate weather days 1 and 3, with heat on day 2. The forecast for the upcoming weekend looks like precipitation.

Accommodation was definitely the biggest challenge on day 1, as many hotels were booked, overpriced, and there was just not a whole lot of selection between 350 and 400 km. We rode late on the first 2 days, and therefore sleep was limited. 

The highlight of my ride was potentially saving the baby deer who was laying in the middle of the road at 1am on night 2. I watched mama deer move off the road in my headlight as I was cruising along. I then saw the baby deer laying on the road. I was concerned and turned around after 50 metres to investigate. Was it injured? I rode up to it, felt down his back and did not notice any signs of trauma. I believe it was laying where it was because the road surface was warm. I proceeded to pick up baby deer by the scruff of its neck to get it off the road. I heard mama behind me, sounding a little upset. I did not know if I was going to be charged. Are they like a moose and that protective of their young? As I pulled by the scruff of its neck, the fawn half stood, and just then I saw the headlights of an approaching car. I flashed my lights and waved my arms to get the car to stop, which they did. I then looked down and the deer had miraculously disappeared from between my legs. having slipped off to the side of the road. I dont know what the car driver saw, other than this crazed, arm waving cyclist standing out in the middle of rural nowhere Washington at 1am. Needless to say, they did not stop to talk to me, or offer assistance, or perhaps even a few cookies. Oh well, one less deer carcass for the next cyclist to have to ride by. 

My overall score of the route......6.5 of 10. Call if you have questions. Dave


Change of plan.

We viewed the Hope - Princeton Hwy coming back from the Interior 600.  The highway is not bad, though there are a couple of construction zones and some stretches of poor, debris-laden shoulder.  The proposed Full Circle route has a lot of climbing, and the forecast is HOT.

Instead, we are running the Peace Arch St. Helen's route from 2013, but starting and finishing in Burnaby.  The turn-around is at Lexington (north suburb of Longview, WA).  This is an out-and-back course with 7500 m of climbing, so realatively flat.  Headwinds are unpredictable, but hopefully they will also be tailwinds.

Hotels may be problemetic as they are filling up.  The first reasonably priced rooms are at km 435! Book soon if you plan to ride!  Options for hotels/motels are Issaquah (km 274 - Motel 6, also on way back at km 735), Enumclaw (km 317 - Guest House and Rodeway Inn; km 693 on return), Buckley (km 322 - sold out), Yelm (km 388 - sold out), Centralia (km 435 and 577 on return - King Oscar (24-hr service), Lakeview and McMenamins (no late service)), Monroe (km 795 - Fairground Inn is reasonable.  Food services on the route should not be a problem.

The cue sheet will be uploaded soon.