
Member Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
King, Dave DNF Single 999999998
Moriwaki, Yutaka 64:33* Single 232380
Qi, Douglas DNF Single 999999998
Some early information (April 10)
If you have not already informed Dave King of your intent to ride, please do so asap. 
Book accommodation now as the ride is on the May long weekend.
Hat Creek Ranch (km 395) has bunkhouses at very reasonable rates for night 1.
Lillooet (km 685) has hotels for night 2. Boston Bar (km 800) is the next location with hotel accommodation.

Sourcing food may be a challenge. On Day 1, there is very little after Lillooet (km 320) and the Fountain Trading Post (km 334). And Day 2 doesnt start much easier as there is a big climb to Clinton (km 445) where there is not much open early on the Sunday morning. 

The route has not been finalized, but may do an out and back to Cache Creek. There may be limited food choice there, depending on your arrival time. 

On Day 2, getting back to Lillooet (km 688)  before 1900 hours will get you into the grocery stores. Arrive by 2000 hours for access to the fast food joints. Buy food for that night and, if staying in Lillooet, buy for the next morning as well. The next food is possibly a gas station at Lytton, and then not until Boston Bar. After Boston Bar, food options are not so rare.

Updated rwgps route (May 15)

Find out more about the route at this link:

Newsletter items from the June 2008 ride: Gold Rush 1000 - Eric Fergusson (