Randonnées & Flèches*

Name Event Count Total Distance Total Time Sortable total time
McGuire, Dan 4 1500 3d 17h 14m 3 days, 17:14:00
Bernhardt, Luis 3 900 1d 19h 5m 1 day, 19:05:00
Hulbert, Henry 3 900 1d 20h 25m 1 day, 20:25:00
Hathaway, John 2 500 0d 22h 50m 22:50:00
Allwood, David 2 500 0d 21h 48m 21:48:00
Name Event Count Total Distance Total Time Sortable total time
McGuire, Dan 4 1500 3d 17h 14m 3 days, 17:14:00
Bernhardt, Luis 3 900 1d 19h 5m 1 day, 19:05:00
Hulbert, Henry 3 900 1d 20h 25m 1 day, 20:25:00
Hathaway, John 2 500 0d 22h 50m 22:50:00
Allwood, David 2 500 0d 21h 48m 21:48:00


Name Event Count Total Distance Total Time Sortable total time

* - The total time value does not directly consider ride time for events that don't capture time.
      For example, LEL riders will be given a time that is the same as event's time limit.

** - This page only shows verified events. To see a list of unofficial permanents go here.