Randonnées & Flèches*

Name Event Count Total Distance Total Time Sortable total time
Wood, Stuart 8 3471 7d 1h 23m 7 days, 1:23:00
Bridge, Harold 8 2966 7d 2h 58m 7 days, 2:58:00
Stary, Peter 6 2903 5d 23h 47m 5 days, 23:47:00
Arscott, Deirdre 6 2871 7d 2h 29m 7 days, 2:29:00
Lepsoe, Barb 6 2871 7d 3h 48m 7 days, 3:48:00
Bonner, Kenneth 5 2500 4d 16h 52m 4 days, 16:52:00
Kuchenmuller, Manfred 5 2500 6d 4h 24m 6 days, 4:24:00
Hinde, Carol 5 2500 6d 10h 19m 6 days, 10:19:00
Boonstra, Robert 5 1871 4d 9h 13m 4 days, 9:13:00
McGuire, Dan 5 1700 3d 16h 2m 3 days, 16:02:00
Bonga, Anna 4 1500 2d 20h 46m 2 days, 20:46:00
Hinde, Stephen 4 1500 3d 13h 4m 3 days, 13:04:00
Philcox, Nigel 4 1500 3d 6h 55m 3 days, 6:55:00
Hagen, Mike 4 1500 2d 20h 46m 2 days, 20:46:00
Wood, Mike 4 1500 3d 9h 48m 3 days, 9:48:00
Monaghan, Barry 4 1303 2d 11h 22m 2 days, 11:22:00
Blair, Richard 3 1200 2d 18h 0m 2 days, 18:00:00
Elliott, Tom 1 600 1d 14h 15m 1 day, 14:15:00
Trepke, Fred 2 500 1d 0h 22m 1 day, 0:22:00
Smith, Karen 2 500 1d 6h 10m 1 day, 6:10:00
Bogart, Barry 2 500 1d 6h 10m 1 day, 6:10:00
Moreau, Margaret 2 500 1d 2h 22m 1 day, 2:22:00
Jamieson, John 2 500 1d 5h 45m 1 day, 5:45:00
Wojcik, Tom 1 300 0d 14h 59m 14:59:00
Lysne, Peter 1 200 0d 10h 53m 10:53:00
Fraser, Keith 1 200 0d 6h 50m 6:50:00
Sharkey, Jack 1 200 0d 11h 10m 11:10:00
Name Event Count Total Distance Total Time Sortable total time
Wood, Stuart 8 3471 7d 1h 23m 7 days, 1:23:00
Bridge, Harold 8 2966 7d 2h 58m 7 days, 2:58:00
Stary, Peter 6 2903 5d 23h 47m 5 days, 23:47:00
Arscott, Deirdre 6 2871 7d 2h 29m 7 days, 2:29:00
Lepsoe, Barb 6 2871 7d 3h 48m 7 days, 3:48:00
Bonner, Kenneth 5 2500 4d 16h 52m 4 days, 16:52:00
Kuchenmuller, Manfred 5 2500 6d 4h 24m 6 days, 4:24:00
Hinde, Carol 5 2500 6d 10h 19m 6 days, 10:19:00
Boonstra, Robert 5 1871 4d 9h 13m 4 days, 9:13:00
McGuire, Dan 5 1700 3d 16h 2m 3 days, 16:02:00
Bonga, Anna 4 1500 2d 20h 46m 2 days, 20:46:00
Hinde, Stephen 4 1500 3d 13h 4m 3 days, 13:04:00
Philcox, Nigel 4 1500 3d 6h 55m 3 days, 6:55:00
Hagen, Mike 4 1500 2d 20h 46m 2 days, 20:46:00
Wood, Mike 4 1500 3d 9h 48m 3 days, 9:48:00
Monaghan, Barry 4 1303 2d 11h 22m 2 days, 11:22:00
Blair, Richard 3 1200 2d 18h 0m 2 days, 18:00:00
Elliott, Tom 1 600 1d 14h 15m 1 day, 14:15:00
Trepke, Fred 2 500 1d 0h 22m 1 day, 0:22:00
Smith, Karen 2 500 1d 6h 10m 1 day, 6:10:00
Bogart, Barry 2 500 1d 6h 10m 1 day, 6:10:00
Moreau, Margaret 2 500 1d 2h 22m 1 day, 2:22:00
Jamieson, John 2 500 1d 5h 45m 1 day, 5:45:00
Wojcik, Tom 1 300 0d 14h 59m 14:59:00
Lysne, Peter 1 200 0d 10h 53m 10:53:00
Fraser, Keith 1 200 0d 6h 50m 6:50:00
Sharkey, Jack 1 200 0d 11h 10m 11:10:00


Name Event Count Total Distance Total Time Sortable total time

* - The total time value does not directly consider ride time for events that don't capture time.
      For example, LEL riders will be given a time that is the same as event's time limit.

** - This page only shows verified events. To see a list of unofficial permanents go here.