
Member Time Bicycle Class Sortable time
Fast, Willi 12:05 Single 43500
Lockwood, Carey 12:05 Single 43500
Tough, Murray 12:05 Single 43500

The start and finish of the 2024 Ride of Remembrance will be at the junction of the E&N Trail and the Galloping Goose Regional Trail.  Riders will assemble at Atkins station prior to the event. There is a parking lot. There are public toilets available here as well.

The controls other than the start/finish are all sites that pertain to nature of the day.  The ride will help the rider see what role greater Victoria and its inhabitants played in world events.

Be prepared for a few more controls closer together in the first third of the ride!  The route will also pass by many other sites that are not used as controls but have historical significance. Please show respect to those who we honour and those who are visiting the sites. 

The route has been designed to keep you on quieter roads and trails as much as possible.  It should be a very enjoyable ride!

GPX track, route sheet, and sample control card are posted. Note: The real control card will be emailed to you.