Top 15 Results on the Route
Rider Ride Date Event Type Group Distance Time Bicycle Class
Lynch, Cheryl 2010-02-21 1414: La Connor BCP 297 14:44 Single
Press, Nigel 2010-02-21 1414: La Connor BCP 297 14:44 Single
Press, Nigel 2010-03-21 1413: La Connor BCP 297 16:15 Single
Mudrakoff, Jeff 2010-03-21 1413: La Connor BCP 297 16:15 Single
Lynch, Cheryl 2010-03-21 1413: La Connor BCP 297 16:15 Single
Lach, David 2010-04-05 1415: La Connor BCP 297 16:39 Single
Sparks, Gary 2011-03-05 1703: La Connor BCP 297 19:10 Single

Events to use this Route
Name Date Ride Type URL
1703: La Connor 2011-03-05 BCP (Gary Sparks)
1415: La Connor 2010-04-05 BCP (David Lach)
1413: La Connor 2010-03-21 BCP (Cheryl Lynch + 2 more)
1414: La Connor 2010-02-21 BCP (Cheryl Lynch + 1 more)