Top 15 Results on the Route
Rider Ride Date Event Type Group Distance Time Bicycle Class
Press, Nigel 2014-09-27 2283: Hardly a Ramble (2) ACPB 200 8:38 Tandem
Lynch, Cheryl 2014-09-27 2283: Hardly a Ramble (2) ACPB 200 8:38 Tandem
Cundiff, Don 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 8:55 Single
Goodison, Bob 2014-09-27 2283: Hardly a Ramble (2) ACPB 200 9:15 Single
Benz, Randy 2014-09-27 2283: Hardly a Ramble (2) ACPB 200 9:15 Single
Menu, Fred 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:23 Single
Heath, Joe 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:30 Single
Goodison, Bob 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:30 Single
DeBolt, Susan 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:39 Single
Parke, Daniel 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:39 Single
Bilinski, Jacques 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:45 Single
Benard, Jacquetta 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:52 Single
Palme, Siegfried 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 10:52 Single
Yancey, Dan 2018-04-21 3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton ACPB Spring Brevet Series 200 11:05 Single

Events to use this Route
Name Date Ride Type URL
3124: It's hardly a ramble if we start in Penticton 2018-04-21 ACPB
2283: Hardly a Ramble (2) 2014-09-27 ACPB