Completed Events

Date Name Type Distance Region Start Route Organizers
April 3, 7:00 AM VI 200 [4 results] ACPB 200 Vancouver Island Nanaimo Cowichan (1993) Stephen Hinde <contact>
April 3, 7:10 AM VI 200 [27 results] ACPB 200 Vancouver Island Tour of the Cowichan Valley (to Youbou) (1993) Stephen Hinde <contact>
April 17, 7:00 AM VI 300 [12 results] ACPB 300 Vancouver Island Unknown Stephen Hinde <contact>
May 8, 7:00 AM VI 400 [11 results] ACPB 400 Vancouver Island Duncan-Campbell River (1993) Stephen Hinde <contact>
June 19, 7:00 AM Island End to End (Spring Brevet Series) [2 results] ACPB 1000 Vancouver Island Hare & Tortoise (1993) Stephen Hinde <contact>